Thursday, November 18, 2010


Aren't these flowers beautiful? I got them from a new friend, Liz! As thanksgiving is 1 week away, I've been more aware of how MUCH I have to be thankFULL for! This morning I woke up and began to think of the many, many, blessings I have...every good and perfect gift comes from today, i'm stopping to thank the Lord for the many things I have to be thankful goes the beginning of my list
#1 I woke up in a warm bed this morning
#2 My husband was next to me
#3 I have the Word of God in my language...and God speaks truth through it
#4 I had breakfast and my husband made me hot coffee
#5 the sun is shining through my window
#6 I can see the beautiful ocean and magnificent mountains
#7 I have hope and peace about today and the future through my risen Savior
#8 I don't have to wonder where my next meal will come from
#9 I am able to talk with my family on the other side of the world through skype and the internet
#10 hugs
#11 hot showers
#12 a job
#13 hands that work and are able to do crafts and make things
#14 COLORful trees, flowers and eyes to appreciate the beauty we live in...
#15 a sharp mind to memorize His Word and be encouraged by it

the list could go on and on...perhaps i'll pick up tomorrow...what do you have to be thankFULL for today??!

1 comment:

  1. Ash,
    I am so encouraged by your blog! I am sooo glad I stumble across it on facebook!
    I miss you, and know you are being Gods hands and feet! Keep fighting the good fight, and know you have encouraged me thousands of miles away.
    -Becki (Michael)Ordway
    just incase you dont remember track AIA person.
